UM10310_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 108 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
The SRST bit in AUXR1 gives software the opportunity to reset the processor completely,
as if an external reset or watchdog reset had occurred. If a value is written to AUXR1 that
contains a 1 at bit position 3, all SFRs will be initialized and execution will resume at
program address 0000. Care should be taken when writing to AUXR1 to avoid accidental
software resets.
16.2 Dual Data PointersThe dual Data Pointers (DPTR) adds to the ways in which the processor can specify the
address used with certain instructions. The DPS bit in the AUXR1 register selects one of
the two Data Pointers. The DPTR that is not currently selected is not accessible to
software unless the DPS bit is toggled.
Specific instructions affected by the Data Pointer selection are:
INC DPTR — Increments the Data Pointer by 1
JMP@A+DPTR — Jump indirect relative to DPTR value
MOV DPTR, #data16 — Load the Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant
MOVC A, @A+DPTR — Move code byte relative to DPTR to the accumulator
MOVX A, @DPTR — Move accumulator to data memory relative to DPTR
MOVX @DPTR, A — Move from data memory relative to DPTR to the accumulator
Also, any instruction that reads or manipulates the DPH and DPL registers (the upper and
lower bytes of the current DPTR) will be affected by the setting of DPS. The MOVX
instructions have limited application for the P89LPC9321 since the part does not have an
external data bus. However, they may be used to access Flash configuration information
(see Flash Configuration section) or auxiliary data (XDATA) memory.
Table 102. AUXR1 register (address A2h) bit descri ption
Bit Symbol Description
0 DPS Data Pointer Select. Chooses one of two Data Pointers.
1 - Not used. Allowable to set to a logic 1.
2 0 This bit conta in s a ha rd-wired 0. Allows toggling of the DPS bit by incrementing
AUXR1, without interfering with other bits in the register.
3 SRST Software Reset. When set by software, resets the P89LPC9321 as if a hardware
reset occurred.
4 ENT0 When set the P1.2 pin is toggled whenever Timer 0 overflows. The output
frequency is therefore one half of the Timer 0 overflow rate. Refer to Section 7
“Timers 0 and 1” for details.
5 ENT1 When set, the P0.7 pin is toggled whenever Timer 1 overflows. The output
frequency is therefore one half of the Timer 1 overflow rate. Refer to Section 7
“Timers 0 and 1” for details.
6 EBRR UART Break Detect Reset Enable. If logic 1, UART Break Detect will cause a chip
reset and force the device into ISP mode.
7 CLKLP Clock Low Power Select. When set, reduces power consumption in the clock
circuits. Can be used when the clock frequency is 8MHz or less. After reset this bit
is cleared to support up to 12 MHz operation.