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UM10310_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 14 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
KBCON Keypad control
register 94H------PATN
_SEL KBIF 00[1] xxxx xx00
interrupt mask
86H 00 0000 0000
KBPATN Keypad pattern
register 93H FF 1111 1111
OCRAH Output
compare A
register high
EFH 00 0000 0000
OCRAL Output
compare A
register low
EEH 00 0000 0000
OCRBH Output
compare B
register high
FBH 00 0000 0000
OCRBL Output
compare B
register low
FAH 00 0000 0000
OCRCH Output
compare C
register high
FDH 00 0000 0000
OCRCL Output
compare C
register low
FCH 00 0000 0000
OCRDH Output
compare D
register high
FFH 00 0000 0000
OCRDL Output
compare D
register low
FEH 00 0000 0000
Bit address8786858483828180
P0* Port 0 80H T1/KB7 CMP1
Bit address9796959493929190
Table 2. Special function registers …continued
* indicates SFRs that are bit addressable.
Name Description SFR
addr. Bit functions and addresses Reset value
MSB LSB Hex Binary