UM10310_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 129 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
18.19 Boot Vector register
18.20 Boot status register
Table 117. Sector Security Bytes (SECx) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
0 MOVCDISx MOVC Disable. Disables the MOVC command for sector x. Any MOVC that attempts to read a byte in a
MOVC protected sector will return invalid data. This bit can only be erased when sector x is erased.
1 SPEDISx Sector Program Erase Disable x. Disables program or erase of all or part of sector x. This bit and sector
x are erased by either a sector erase command (ISP, IAP, commercial programmer) or a 'global' erase
command (commercial programmer).
2 EDISx Erase Disable ISP. Disables the ability to perform an erase of sector x in ISP or IAP mode. When
programmed, this bit and sector x can only be erased by a 'global' erase command using a commercial
programmer. This bit and sector x CANNOT be erased in ISP or IAP modes.
3:7 - reserved
Table 118. Effects of Security Bits
EDISx SPEDISx MOVCDISx Effects on Programming
0 0 1 Security violation flag set for sector CRC calculation for the specific sector.
Security violation flag set for global CRC calculation if any MOVCDISx bit is set.
Cycle aborted. Memory contents unchanged. CRC invalid. Program/erase
commands will not result in a security violation.
0 1 x Security violation flag set for program commands or an erase page command.
Cycle aborted. Memory contents unchanged. Sector erase and global erase are
1 x x Security violation flag set for program commands or an erase page command.
Cycle aborted. Memory contents unchanged. Global erase is allowed.
Table 119. Boot Vector (BOOTVEC) bit allocation
Bit 76543210
Factory default
value 00011111
Table 120. Boot Vector (BOOTVEC) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
0:4 BOOTV[0:4] Boot vector. If the Boot Vector is selected as the reset address, the P89LPC9321 will start execution at
an address comprised of 00h in the lower eight bits and this BOOTVEC as the upper eight bits after a
5:7 - reserved
Table 121. Boot Status (BOOTSTAT) bit allocation
Bit 76543210
Factory default
value 00000001