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User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 124 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
Table 109. IAP error status
Bit Flag Description
0 OI Operation Interrupted. Indicates that an operation was aborted due to an interrupt occurring during a
program or erase cycle.
1 SV Security Violation. Set if program or erase operation fails due to security settings. Cycle is aborted. Memory
contents are unchanged. CRC output is invalid.
2 HVE High Voltage Error. Set if error detected in high voltage generation circuits. Cycle is aborted. Memory
contents may be corrupted.
3 VE Verify error. Set during IAP programming of user code if the contents of the programmed address does not
agree with the intended programmed value. IAP uses the MOVC instruction to perform this verify. Attempts
to program user code that is MOVC protected can be programmed but will generate this error after the
programming cycle has been completed.
4 to 7 - unused; reads as a logic 0