UM10310_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 128 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
This device has three security bits associated with each of its eight sectors, as shown in
4 WDSE Watchdog Safety Enable bit. Refer to Table 96 “Watchdog timer configuration” for details.
5 BOE1 Brownout Detect Configuration (see Section 5.1 “Bro wnout detection”)
6 RPE Reset pin enable. When set = 1, enables the reset function of pin P1.5. When cleared, P1.5 may be used as
an input pin. NOTE: During a power-up sequence, the RPE selection is overridden and this pin will always
functions as a reset input. After power-up the pin will function as defined by the RPE bit. Only a power-up
reset will temporarily override the selection defined by RPE bit. Other sources of reset will not override the
RPE bit.
7 WDTE Watchdog timer reset enable. When set =1, enables the watchd og timer reset. When cleared = 0, disables
the watchdog timer reset. The timer may still be used to generate an interrupt. Refer to Table 96 “Watchdog
timer configuration” for details.
Table 112. Flash User Configuration Byte 1 (UCFG1) bit description …continued
Bit Symbol Description
Table 113. Oscillator type selection
FOSC[2:0] Oscillator configuration
111 External clock input on XTAL1.
100 Watchdog Oscillator, 400kHz ± 5 %.
011 Internal RC oscillator, 7.373MHz ± 1 %.
010 Low frequency crystal, 20kHz to 100 kHz.
001 Medium frequency crystal or resonator, 100kHz to 4 MHz.
000 High frequency crystal or resonator, 4MHz to 18 MHz.
Table 114. Flash User Configur ation Byte 2 (UCFG2) bit allocation
Bit 76543210
value 0xxxxxxx
Table 115. Flash User Configuration Byte 2 (UCFG2) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
0:6 - Not used.
7 CLKDBL Clock doubler. When set, doubles the output frequency of the internal RC oscillator.
Table 116. Sector Security Bytes (SECx) bit allocation
Bit 76543210
value 00000000