UM10310_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 1 December 2008 54 of 139
NXP Semiconductors UM10310
P89LPC9321 User manual
[1] x = A, B, C, D
[2] ‘ON’ means in the CCUCLK cycle after the event takes place.
9.8 Synchronized PWM register update

When the OCRx registers are written, a built in mechanism ensures that the value is not

updated in the middle of a PWM pulse. This could result in an odd-length pulse. When the

registers are written, the values are placed in two shadow registers, as is the case in basic

timer operation mode. Writing to TCOU2 will cause the contents of the shadow registers

to be updated on the next CCU Timer overflow. If OCRxH and/or OCRxL are read before

the value is updated, the most currently written value is read.

9.9 HALT

Setting the HLTEN bit in TCR20 enables the PWM Halt Function. When halt function is

enabled, a capture event as enabled for the Input Capture A pin will immediately stop all

activity on the PWM pins and set them to a predetermined state defined by FCOx bit. In

PWM Mode, the FCOx bits in the CCCRx register hold the value the pin is forced to during

halt. The value of the setting can be read back. The capture function and the interrupt will

Fig 24. Alternate output mode.
Table 42. Output compare pin behavior.
OCMx1[1] OCMx0[1] Output Compare pin behavior
Basic timer mode Asymmetrical PWM Symmetrical PWM
0 0 Output compare disabled. On power-on, this is the default state, and pins
are configured as inputs.
0 1 Set when compare in
operation. Cleared on
compare match.[2]
Non-Inverted PWM. Set
on compare match.
Cleared on CCU Timer
Non-Inverted PWM.
Cleared on compare
match, upcounting. Set
on compare match,
1 0 invalid configuration
1 1 Toggles on compare
match[2] Inverted PWM. Cleared
on compare match. Set
on CCU Timer
Inverted PWM. Set on
compare match,
upcounting. Cleared on
compare match,
PWM OUTPUT A (or C) (P2.6)
PWM OUTPUT B (or D) (P1.6)