The machine will not dial a telephone number:
Check the power cable and wall outlet. Make sure that the telephone line (not external telephone or handset) is connected to the LINE socket on the back of the machine. If an external telephone is installed, lift the handset and check for a dial tone. If there is no dial tone, there may be a problem with the telephone line. If there is a dial tone, the machine may be using the wrong dialling method (pulse or tone) for the region.
The display shows a communications error:
This alarm indicates any of a number of problems. The machine may be incompatible with the remote machine, or the remote machine may not be able to perform the function requested of it such as polling or confidential faxing. The remote machine may also be out of paper or experiencing a paper jam. Bad telephone line conditions can also cause communication errors. Try sending the fax again and check to make sure that the correct telephone number is being dialled. If a prefix number must be dialled to get an outside line, or if the call is to an international destination, a pause may need to be entered after the dial prefix or international dialling code to tell the machine to wait for a dial tone. If there are frequent problems communicating with a particular remote machine, try programming the telephone number into a
Faxing is possible but the image of the document printed by the remote machine is very poor:
If the faxed document has small type, complex illustrations, photos, or is very light or very dark, try changing the resolution. Copy the document on the machine to determine how it will transmit. The problem may be caused by telephone line interference. Try sending the document again later.
Unwanted reports are printed out:
Check the user function settings and turn off undesired reports.
Fax sent but received message was completely blank:
Make sure that the document is loaded face down before faxing.
Troubleshooting > 113