When the Enter Fax no. screen is open, press the Start button after entering a Fax no. to start sending the Fax.
Or you can return to the Fax
When you complete entering a Fax no. the Continue screen appears.
In the Continue screen, move the cursor to Continue and press the Enter key to return to the Enter Fax no. screen.
In the Continue screen, move the cursor to Done and press the Enter key to return to the Fax
When you return to the Fax
Adding a Fax destination
Select a Fax no. in the Fax
When the MFP is in Automatic Fax Receive, the screen display appears only in the Idle state. The display does not appear during operation. If Fax receiving fails, the error display message remains until you press the Stop button.
When Automatic Fax Receive is functioning correctly: When ringing - Receiving Start is displayed on screen
While it is receiving a Fax - Fax Receiving, sender's Fax no., and the number of received pages are displayed until the reception of data from all pages is completed.
Upon completion of Fax Receiving, sender's Fax no., the total number of received pages, and Receiving OK are displayed for 3 seconds, and the display changes to the Mode Selection screen.
Operation > 76