An * appears next to each confirmed address.

To remove an email address, move the cursor over the address and press the Enter key

(b)Screen entry - by using the Ten Key pad.

Move the cursor to the Screen Entry field and press the Enter key.

Enter the email address using the Ten Key pad.


Highlight each digit by using Up/Down/Left & right keys. Select each digit by pressing the Enter key.

Select Continue to enter a new address.

When you have finished entering all your email addresses, select Done instead of Continue. The screen will ask you to Confirm your selection.

(c)From an Email address number/Group address

Move the cursor to the Number field and press the Enter key.

Using the Down key, move the cursor to Select no and press the Enter key.

Use the Ten Key pad to enter a two-digit Email Address no. or Group Address no. after the "#" or "*" and press the Enter key.

As above, select Continue to enter a new address.

When you have finished entering all your email addresses, select Done instead of Continue. The screen will ask you to Confirm your selection.

(d)Selecting address from a Network

Selecting from a Network allows you to search Email Addresses from a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Server.

Move the cursor to the LDAP field and press the Enter key.

Enter the information required

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