Winder 2 (with M. 6V Battery Holder 1)
Attached directly to the camera
base, the Winder 2 performs single frame as well as sequential
shooting (2.5 fps).
Operating on 4
AAAlkaline batteries, it is capa- ble of powering approx. 50 rolls of
Size: 130 X 64 X 98mm (5.12 X 2.52 X 3.86 in.). Weight: 290g (10.2 oz.) (less batteries).
M. 6V Power Pack 1
This pocketable power unit (4 AA batteries) connects to the
Motor Drive 1
The basic motor drive unit that forms the foundation of the group. Attached directly to the camera base together with the
power supply. It is capable of
single frame shooting and se- quential filming of 5 frames per second.
Size: 116 X 82 X 66mm (4.57 X 3.23 X 2.59 in.). Weight: 210g (7.4 oz.).
Winder 2 via a 1.2m cord. Warm- ed by photographer's body heat, permits operation in tempera- tures as low
M.18V Control Grip 1 (with M. 18V Battery Holder 1)
A power supply that accepts 12
AAbatteries. Can be attached quickly to the Motor Drive 1. Size: 136 X 87 X 32mm. Weight: 160g (less batteries).
M. 15V Ni-Cd Control Pack 1
This is a
Size: 129 X 35 X 67mm. Weight: 260g.