Macrophoto Stand VST-1

Arugged stand specially design- ed for close-up and high magni- fication photography. Usable with various stage plates. Com- plete with a round frosted plate (black at back) for incident light, and a pair of stage clips.

Macrophoto Stand B Adapter

For use with the Macrophoto Stand, to support the Auto Bel- lows or Focusing Rail on the Stand.

Macrophoto Stand Extension Bar VST-E

Extends the height of the Macro- photo Stand. Length: 7.5cm (2.95").

Trans-llluminator Base X-DE

Indispensable for holding the

Macrophoto Stand VST-1 for magnified photographs. Suppli- ed with a built-in 100V 20W illuminator with a mirror, and a pair of wooden handrests for ease of operation. Can be used with various stage plates and filters.

When used with the Lieberkuhn Reflector, it is convenient to re- place the reflector mirror with the Centering Mirror PM-ELCS.

Double Cable Release

Attached to the Auto Bellows and camera shutter release but- ton, to activate them simultane- ously.

Cable Release SR-11

Copy Stand

A standard type stand, 48 x 44

cm, for general close-up and copy photography. Two additional lights can be attached to the top of the 80cm high stanchion. Fine adjustment for the camera height and a locking device are pro- vided.

Handy Copy Stand

Afour-legged stand for close-up and copy photography. The leg length is adjustable to three po-


Lighting Set

Complete with two units, each consisting of a base and light

arm. Max. intensity: 500W.


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Olympus zm2000qdk Macrophoto Stand B Adapter, Macrophoto Stand Extension Bar VST-E, Double Cable Release, Handy Copy Stand