These menu are subdivided in:
File | New, Open, Save, Print menu. |
New | Creates a new document. |
Open | Opens an existing document. |
Options | Set Communication port, text language and synchronize clock |
Exit | Exits from Logman. |
Help | Help menu. |
Index | Offers you an index about topics on which you can get help. |
About | Displays the version number of this application. |
When a document is loaded or created, the new main menu is:
File | New, Open, Save, Print menu. |
New | Creates a new document. |
Open | Opens an existing document. |
Save | Saves an opened document using the same file name. |
Save As | Saves an opened document to a specified file name. |
Export | Exports opened documents as Excel, txt or HTML file |
Close | Closes an opened document. |
Print setup | Selects a printer and printer connection. |
Prints a document. | |
Options | Set Communication port, text language and synchronize clock |
Language | Selects language text |
Port settings | Select communication port COM |
Synchronize instrument Sets IR thermometer internal clock equal to Computer | |
Exit | Exits from Logman. |
Data | Instrument operation menu (Menu accessible only if ‘Data Table Window’ is active). |
AutoLoad tag | Loads automatically from the instrument. |
Load tag | Loads from the instrument. |
Save tag | Saves preferences on the instrument. |
Save as tag 0 | Saves preferences on the instrument Tag 0. |
Delete tag | Deletes the Tag on the instrument. |
Clear all tags | Deletes all Tag on the instrument. |
PC Log | Logs data from the instrument. |
Sample now | Logs one datum only from the instrument. |
Preferences | Set preferences. |
Copy into new file
Copy into open file
Move into new file
Move into open file
Data operation menu (Menu accessible only if ‘Data Table Window’ is active). Copies a selection in to a new file.
Copies a selection in to an existing file. Moves a selection in a new file. Moves a selection in an existing file. Deletes selections.
Subtracts two selections in a new file.
Window | Windows operation menu. |
Tile | Tiles all active windows. |
Cascade | Cascades all active windows. |
Arrange Icons | Arranges all active icons. |
Help | Help menu. |
Index | Offers you an index to topics on which you can get help. |
About | Displays the version number of this application. |