Hardware Setup
Card Configuration
Factory Default: Voltage Range ±5V
The Daq Device channel and the output level must be configured.
A 6-position DIP switch provides for address selection. The card address refers to the Daq device base
channel. Any card address in the range of 0 to 15 is valid. The sub-address allows up to 4 DBK2s to share
a single base channel. Any sub-address in the range of 0 to 3 is valid. (With 4 local channels on a card and
4 cards on each of 16 base channels, a maximum of 256 channels are possible.)
DBK2 Configuration Settings
The DIP switch uses binary weighted values. To select the desired address, set the corresponding switch
values to one. For example, if the desired card address is 11, switches 1, 3, & 4 should be set to one. To set
a switch to a value, depress the corresponding side of the rocker-arm switch.
Each local channel can be set for either ±5 V or ±10 V output. Four 3-pin headers (JP1 through JP4)
correspond to output channels 0 through 3. To configure a channel for ±5 V output, place the shunt jumper
across positions 1 & 2 (default setting) of the corresponding header (see figure). To configure a channel for
±10 V output, place the shunt jumper across positions 2 and 3 of the channel header.
Card Connection
Output voltage connections are provided via convenient screw terminals or J1. Each terminal has an
adjacent analog common terminal for convenience. After all connections are in place, secure the wires to
the card for strain relief. Small nylon tie wraps (not included) work well for this purpose. For convenience,
there are also footprints on the board to accommodate BNC connectors.
DaqBook/100 Series & /200 Series and DaqBoard [ISA type] Configuration
Use of the DBK2 requires setting jumpers in DaqBooks/100 Series & /200 Series and
DaqBoards [ISA type].
1. If not using auxiliary power, place the DaqBook/100 Series & /200 Series or DaqBoard [ISA-type]
JP1 jumper in the expanded analog mode, as indicated for JP1 in the following figure.
Jumper Configurations On DaqBoard [ISA] and DaqBook/100 Series & /200 Series
DBK2, pg. 2 886995 DBK Option Cards and Modules