Filter Circuit Diagram
A machined-pin IC socket in each filter RC location can accept resistors and capacitors that plug directly
into the socket; however, this is not recommended. Two much better approaches exist. The first is to use
pre-configured plug-in filter modules; the second is to configure your own plug-in module using a blank
CN-115. Both of these options are depicted in the following illustration.
The use of plug-in modules provides excellent “gold-to-gold” contact between the components of the
plug-in module and the on-board header.
The following figure shows the DIP-16 component pattern typical of the 4 filter sections.
DIP-16 Component Pattern
Note: In the DIP-16 figure, “n” corresponds to “channel number.”
Note: In the DIP-16 figure, pin 7 of the DIP-16 socket:
connects to pin 8 for low-pass filtering
connects to pin 6 for band-pass filtering
DBK18, pg. 4 918894 DBK Option Cards and Modules