Analog Input Channel Configuration Window
7. From the Analog Input Channel Configuration window, select the DBK Parameters tab to view the
specific settings for each DBK channel.
Some DBKs have settings that are physically set on the hardware via jumpers or
switches. In these cases, the designated parameter settings in LogView must agree
with those on the hardware. Setting one does not automatically set the other; in
other words, you must make configuration settings in both software and hardware,
when applicable. For information regarding DBK hardware configuration, refer to
the specific DBK sections, as applicable.
8. Ensure that the DBK parameters are correctly set at this time. If necessary, refer to the applicable
DBK section for an explanation of the parameters; for example, DBK4 programmable filter values.
You can resize the Analog Input Channel Configuration window by dragging its right
edge further to the right. This allows you to see up to four parameters for each channel.
When possible, use User Label names that closely resemble the Physical Channel
names. This practice makes channel identification easier to remember and helps
avoid confusion.
Example: If Physical Channel P1_CH01 was being used for an alarm, then Alarm-P101
would be a logical User Label.
A note regarding the Range column:
All LogBook channels and many DBK channels have a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) that
provides multiple ranges. Adjusting the range allows you to zoom in or out on your signal for
maximum signal resolution for the range needed. If the Units and/or Scale (from the User Scaling
tab) are changed, the available ranges are presented in terms of the new units. For example, if a user
scaling of ×20 is applied to a channel to convert volts to PSI (pounds per square inch), the available
range choices for that LogBook channel would be ±200 PSI, ±100 PSI, ±50 PSI, 0-400 PSI, 0-200
PSI, etc.
Some DBKs have hardware switches and jumpers for configuration. When using
such DBKs, corresponding parameters may need to be set in the LogBook Hardware
Configuration window.
4-6 DBK Setup in LogView 987693 DBK Option Cards and Modules User’s Manual