14 VDC Mode (default)
This mode provides 14 VDC for 3.4 A-hr. The typical battery runtime is from 3 to 6 hours depending on
the load. Unless 28 VDC is required, the 14 VDC mode should be used in your LogBook applications.
Unless you need 28 V, leave the unit in the 14 VDC mode. Use of the 28 VDC mode results in
a lower runtime, as only one battery pack can be used for 14 VDC. When in the 14 VDC mode,
both packs are used in parallel, resulting in a longer runtime for the same application.
28 VDC Mode
The 28 VDC mode actually provides both 14 VDC and 28 VDC. Loop currents for two-wire, 4-20 mA
transmitters (1.7 A-hr) require 28 VDC. The battery run-time typically ranges from 1 to 6 hours, depending
on system configuration. In this mode, 14 VDC is used for unregulated bridge excitation (for bridge-
configured sensors, such as load cells), and power to DBK expansion products.
Unless you need 28 V, leave the unit in the 14 VDC mode. Use of the 28 VDC mode results
in a lower runtime, as only one battery pack can be used for 14 VDC. When in the 14 VDC
mode, both packs are used in parallel, resulting in a longer runtime for the same application.
DBK30A, pg. 2 879795 DBK Option Cards and Modules