DBKs typically have a channel address set on the device, by either a switch or a header.
The channel designated in software must agree with the hardware setting. Thus, in step 2
below, Channel 0 will only be used to select a specific DBK when that DBK is physically set
for Channel 0. Refer to the specific DBK section for more information, if needed.
2. Under Digital Option Cards, select the expansion down-arrow for the chosen Daq Device
channel, for example, P2 Channel 0. A “drop-down” will list the available digital DBK
An alternative to using the expansion down-arrow to access the external connection drop-down
list, is to click within the text box. For example, in the following figure, after clicking on P2
Channel 5’s “None,” a drop-down list will appear, like the one shown for Channel 0.
Configure System Hardware Screen Showing Digital Option Cards,
External Connection, P2 Channel Pull-down List for Channel 0
3. Select the applicable digital DBK card.
If the card has jumpers or switches, a related window will appear. Two examples follow. The first is
for DIP-switch and jumper settings for a DBK208. The other is for a DBK25 DIP-switch.
Examples from Setup Windows (These vary according to the DBK)
4. If applicable, set the software DIP-switch and other settings (such as jumpers) to match the
hardware settings on the actual DBK(s).
5. After all the settings are confirmed correct, select OK to return to the DaqView main screen.
6. From DaqView, complete the channel setup, acquisition setup, and data destination setup for
each of the new DBKs.
Reference Note:
If needed, refer to the DaqView documentation for more information. Note that you can
access PDF versions of documents from the data acquisition CD by using the <View
PDFs> button on the CD’s intro page.
This completes the software setup for digital DBK options.
DBK Option Cards and Modules User’s Manual 968194 DBK Setup in DaqView 3-7