5-4 Troubleshooting Tips 967094 DBK Option Cards and Modules
Q: I can read analog inputs at the primary Daq device, but my ISA-type DBK option card doesn’t
work. What could be wrong?
A: The analog DBK cards require power to operate. This power can be provided by the DaqBook or ISA-
type DaqBoard (via JP1), DBK32A, or a DBK33. The following voltages [with respect to P1’s pin 7]
must be present to power up analog DBK option cards:
• +15 volts on P1, pin 21
• -15 volts on P1, pin 2
• +5 volts on P1, pin 1
Note: Daq PC Cards do not have power available. If all power is present, there could be a failure in the
DBK option or the Daq device. If the first channel of the DBK option can be read, but other
channels cannot, then the failure is in the primary Daq device.
Q: How does the Daq P1 expansion bus work?
A: All Daq products have 16 single-ended analog inputs. Each of these analog inputs can be expanded to
16 additional inputs with DBK options, providing up to 256 analog inputs. The primary Daq device uses
4 digital output lines on P1 to multiplex the DBK option channels through each analog input of the Daq
Channel numbers on the Daq device are numbered 0 through 15; and expansion channels are numbered
16 through 271. Since each Daq channel can have up to 16 option channels, multiple DBK options that
have 2, 4, or 8 channels can be multiplexed through one primary Daq device channel.
Q: How do I get analog outputs, other than the 0 to 5 volt analog outputs, from my DaqBook/100
Series device, DaqBook/200 Series device, or my ISA-type Daq device?
A: DaqBook/100 Series, DaqBook/200 Series, and ISA-type DaqBoard device analog outputs (12 bit D/A
converters) are 0 to 5 volts using the internal -5 volt reference. For different or higher analog output
ranges (-10 to +10 volts max), you must provide and external reference voltage equal to the maximum
analog output value desired times -1 (-10 volts for 0 - 10 volt range).
This reference voltage must be applied to pin 10 for D/A channel 0 and pin 26 for D/A channel 1 with
respect to pin 28 or 29 on P1. JP2 on the Daq device must be set to DAC EXT for each channel used.
You cannot use the SSH line for smart DBK options (DBK2, DBK4, DBK5, DBK7, DBK17, DBK45,
DBK50 and DBK51) when using an external reference on D/A channel 1.
Failure to remove the SSH jumper on JP2 when applying an external reference voltage to D/A
channel 1 (pin 26) will result in damage to the Daq device.
Note: Daq PC-Cards do not have analog outputs.
Q: My computer uses ECP is that the same as EPP?
A: No. ECP (Enhanced Computer Port) is a different protocol than EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port).
• ECP will function with DaqBooks.
• ECP will function with LogBooks.
• ECP will work with WaveBooks only if,
(a) the WaveBook has a 262-0301 rev b or later chip. Note that chip upgrades are available.
(b) the version of WaveView being used is higher than version 7.8.
Q: I cannot find where the software settings for the DBK7 and the DBK4 cards are located in
DaqView. Where do I find these?
A: After selecting a DBK4 or DBK7 card in "Configure Hardware Settings," a dialog box appears that
allows you to select the number of cards and the sub address settings. There is a <Config> button in
the lower right hand corner. After clicking on the <Config> button the software settings for these
cards can be set.