3. In the Param1 column (see next figure for location), select all of the DBK43A channels that are to be
4. Set Mode equal to Excitation from the drop down list (located above the DBK Parameters tab).
5. Turn off all the channels in the system except for those DBK43A channels that are to be adjusted.
Selecting “Mode = Excitation” for DBK Parameter 1
6. Click the Download button to send the current configuration to the LogBook.
7. Select Indictors \ Enable Input Reading Column from the menu bar to display the excitation values for
each channel.
Selecting “Enable Input Reading Column”(from the Indicators Pull-Down Menu)
8. Set the excitation voltage for each transducer by adjusting the trimpot labeled EXC for the associated
channel while reading their values in LogView.
9. Select Indictors \ Disable Input Reading Column from the menu bar.
Selecting “Disable Input Reading Column”(from the Indicators Pull-Down Menu)
DBK Option Cards and Module 879895 DBK16, pg. 19