DBK24 simplified Component Layout
Strip some insulation from the ends of the wires (no more than 1/4"). Insert wire into the screw terminal
receptacle so that only the bare portion of wire extends into the opening. Bare wire should not extend
more than 1/16" beyond the receptacle. These steps are essential to maintaining proper voltage isolation.
After the wire ends are in place, turn the slot-head screw at the top of the block until the receptacle grips
the wire firmly. Do not over tighten. Captive holes have been placed in appropriate locations to secure
groups of wires to the board. Nylon lock ties (not included) work well for this purpose.
Card Configuration
Factory Default: Power-up output state – Hi (ON)
Presetting the Outputs
Each of the 24 outputs of the DBK24 can be configured to be ON or OFF at system power-on time. Each
port has an 8-pole DIP switch (Port A Preset, Port B Preset, and Port C Preset). Before applying power to
the LogBook, DaqBook/DaqBoard, or the DBK24:
1. Locate the DIP switch (Port A Preset, Port B Preset, or Port C Preset) for the bit you wish to preset.
2. Move the applicable micro-switch to the desired state [ON or OFF] for the output.
3. First power on the DBK24, then the primnary acquisition device, i.e., the LogBook, DaqBook, or
DaqBoard. All outputs will be operating in accordance with their corresponding DIP switch.
Note: The first write command received by the DBK24 will override the switch settings until the unit is
again power-cycled. Subsequently, until the first write command is received, the switches may also
be used to control the outputs.
DBK Option Cards and Modules 879795 DBK24, pg. 3