4. Configure the DBK option(s) as applicable for your situation. For digital DBKs this typically
consists of selecting the correct location under P2, Digital IO.
Note: Setups in software must agree with the physical settings on the DBKs. Refer to the applicable
DBK section for detailed information.
5. Click the OK button to accept the settings.
6. Click the Digital Input button to view the new setup in the Digital Input Channel Configuration
Window. Verify all channel numbers. Assign user labels as desired.
Digital & Counter Input Channel Configuration Window
This completes the software setup for digital DBK options.
Reference Notes:
o The DBK sections contain parameter definitions and information regarding DBK
hardware and software settings.
o The LogBook User’s Manual (p/n 461-0901) contains a detailed description of LogView,
which should be referred to if you need additional information regarding the out-of-the-
box software.
4-8 DBK Setup in LogView 987693 DBK Option Cards and Modules User’s Manual