Card Connection
Current-loop connections are provided via dual screw terminal connections. The + and - loop connections
are shown in the figure. Once all connections are in place, secure wires to the board at captive areas at the
end of the board. Nylon tie wraps (not included) work well for this purpose.
(1) An external loop-voltage supply must be provided.
(2) To meet CE safety specifications, an edge guard (kit p/n 232-0806) must be attached
to the DBK5 card before insertion into a DBK41 expansion chassis. This guard
helps prevent accidental access to high-voltage circuits.
DBK5 Current Loop Configuration
CE Compliance
Reference Notes:
Should your data acquisition system need to comply with CE standards, refer to
the CE Compliance section of the Signal Management chapter.
DaqBook/100 Series & /200 Series and DaqBoard [ISA type] Configuration
Use of the DBK5 requires setting jumpers in DaqBooks/100 Series & /200 Series devices
and DaqBoards [ISA type].
1. If not using auxiliary power, place the JP1 jumper in the expanded analog (Analog Option Card
Use) mode. In this mode JP1 jumpers are positioned in the –15 V and +15 V positions.
Jumper Configurations in DaqBooks/100 Series & /200 Series devices and DaqBoards [ISA-Type]
Note: The JP1 default position, indicated above, is necessary to power the interface circuitry of the DBK5 via
the internal ±15 VDC power supply. If using auxiliary power cards DBK32A or DBK33 you must
remove both JP1 jumpers. Refer to Power Requirements in the DBK Basics section and to the DBK32A
and DBK33 sections of this manual.
DBK Option Cards and Modules 879895 DBK5, pg. 3