Expanding P1_CH00 with a DBK4
4. Configure the DBK option(s) as applicable for your situation. For example, when configuring
DBK4s, ensure the filter mode (“On” or “Bypass”) agrees with the setup on the actual card(s).
Setting the DBK4 Filter Mode for Channel 0 to Bypass
Note: Setups in software must agree with the physical settings on the DBKs. Refer to the applicable
DBK section for detailed information.
5. Click the OK button to accept the settings.
6. Click the Analog Input button to view the new setup in the Analog Input Channel Configuration
Window. Verify all channel numbers. Assign user labels as desired.
The analog input spreadsheet (see following figure) uses four tabs to group analog
input parameters. Always visible are the Physical Channel, User Label, On/Off, real-
time Reading, Range, Units, and Channel Type columns.
Clicking a tab exposes one of the four sub-windows of parameters:
DBK Parameters
User Scaling
2-Point Calibration
If beneficial, adjust column width by placing the cursor on the line between
columns (in the column header) and drag the line left or right as needed; for
example -- to make room for a longer, more descriptive user label.
DBK Option Cards and Modules User’s Manual 987693 DBK Setup in LogView 4-5