Q: The DBK4 seems to kill my system. When the DBK4 is removed, the system functions properly.
Does this imply that the DBK4 is defective?
A: More often than not this indicates a lack of available power. The most common symptom of low
power is a "dead" unit. Failure to provide adequate power can damage one or more components in
your system, but more frequently, the system simply won’t work.
It is important that you calculate your system's power demand before connecting the DBK4, as you
may need an auxiliary power supply. Each DBK4 draws 2750 mW, which is high in comparison to
the power drawn by other DBK cards. As can be seen in the following table, when using a
DaqBook/100 Series product you will always need additional power, while other systems can typically
power at least one DBK4 card.
Reference Note:
Refer to Power Management in the DBK Basics section, located near the front of the
manual, for more information on calculating the system power demand for all your DBK
Available Power Chart — Supply to Expansion Devices
Product Available Power
LogBook +5 VDC @ 0.10 A from P1-1, P2-18, P2-20, P3-20
+15 VDC @ 0.15 A from P1-21
+15 VDC @ 0.05 A from P3-19
-15 VDC @ 0.15 A from P1-2
-15 VDC @ 0.05 A from P3-37
DaqBook/100 2100 mW
DaqBook/112 2400 mW
DaqBook/120 2100 mW
DaqBook/200 4000 mW
DaqBook/216 4000 mW
DaqBook/260 4000 mW
DaqBoard/100A 3300 mW
DaqBoard/112A 3300 mW
DaqBoard/200A 3000 mW
DaqBoard/216A 3000 mW
DaqBoard/260A 3000 mW
DaqBoard/2000 Series
& /2000c Series 5000 mW; 5 V at 1 A; ±15 V at 75 mA each (with
exception of DaqBoard/2002 and /2002c)
DaqBook/2000 Series 15000 mW; 5V at 1 A; ± 15 V at 500 mA each
Daq PC-Card/112B 0 mW
Daq PC-Card/216B 0 mW
DBK32 7500 mW
DBK32A 15000 mW
DBK33 7500 mW
DBK34 5 A-hr in 12 V mode; fused at 8 A
DBK34A 5 A-hr in 12 V mode; fused at 8 A
DBK Option Cards and Modules 967094 Troubleshooting Tips 5-5