Connections are provided for Kelvin-type excitation. The excitation regulators stabilize the voltage at the
points connected to the on-board sampling dividers. Unless you run separate sense leads to the excitation
terminals of the strain gage, the voltage regulation is most accurate at the terminal blocks on the DBK16.
In a Kelvin-type connection, six wires run to a 4-element strain gage, and the excitation regulation is
optimized at the strain gage rather than at the terminal blocks. For high accuracy, this can be a worthwhile
connection for as little as 10 feet of 22 gauge lead wire.
Kelvin Excitation Leads
Full Bridge, Resistor Configuration for DBK16
The full bridge configuration makes use of all four elements of the strain gage. When
using a full bridge external strain gage (all four elements), the following applies to the
DBK16 on board resistor configuration:
Upper Channel – R10, R11, R12, and R13 are not installed.
Lower Channel – R22, R23, R24, and R25 are not installed.
DBK Option Cards and Module 879895 DBK16, pg. 3