CHANNEL: The number of the logical hardware channel that is connected to this I/O block. This information defines the transducer to be used going to or from the physical world.
L_TYPE: Determines if the values passed by the transducer block to the AI block may be used directly (Direct) or if the value is in different units and must be converted linearly (Indirect), or with square root (Ind Sqr Root), using the input range defined for the transducer and the associated output range.
LOW_CUT: Limit used in square root processing.
PV_FTIME: Time constant of a single exponential filter for the PV, in seconds.
FIELD_VAL: Raw value of the field device in % of PV range, with a status reflecting the Transducer condition, before signal characterization (L_TYPE) or filtering (PV_FTIME).
UPDATE_EVT: This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
BLOCK_ALM: The block alarm is used for all configuration, hardware, connection failure or system problems in the block.
ALARM_SUM: The current alert status, unacknowledged states, unreported states, and disabled states of the alarms associated with the function block.
ACK_OPTION: Selection of whether alarms associated with the function block will be automatically acknowledged.
ALARM_HYS: Amount the PV must return within the alarm limits before the alarm condition clears. Alarm hys- teresis expressed as a percent of the span of the PV.
HI_HI_PRI: Priority of the high high alarm.
HI_HI_LIM: The setting for high high alarm in engineering units.
HI_PRI: Priority of the high alarm.
HI_LIM: The setting for high alarm in engineering units
LO_PRI: Priority of the low alarm.
LO_LIM: The setting for low alarm in engineering units.
LO_LO_PRI: Priority of the low low alarm.
LO_LO_LIM: The setting for low low alarm in engineering units.
HI_HI_ALM: The status for high high alarm and its associated time stamp.
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