HI_ALM: The status for high alarm and its associated time stamp.
LO_ALM: The status for low alarm and its associated time stamp.
LO_LO_ALM: The status for low low alarm and its associated time stamp.
The TRANSDUCER and AI block’s MODE_BLK parame- ter must be set to AUTO to pass the PV Value through the AI to the network.
Transducer scaling, called XD_SCALE, is applied to the PV from the CHANNEL to produce the FIELD_VAL in percent. Valid XD_SCALE in engineering units is limited to the three allowable codes of centimeters (cm), inches (in), and percent (%).
The AI can have a BLOCK_ERR when:
1.Channel is not set correctly.
2.XD_SCALE does not have suitable engineering units or has range incompatibility.
3.SIMULATE parameter is active
4.AI block MODE is O/S (out of service).
NOTE: This can be caused by the Resource Block being OOS or the AI Block not scheduled for execution.
The AI uses the STATUS_OPTS setting and the TRANS- DUCER PV LIMIT value to modify the AI PV and OUT QUALITY.
Damping Filter is a feature of the AI block. PV_FTIME parameter is time constant of a single exponential filter for the PV, in seconds. This parameter can be used to dampen out fluctuation in level due to excessive turbulence.
The AI block has multiple ALARM functions that monitor the OUT parameter for out of bound conditions.
4.0Diagnostic Parameters
The Jupiter Model 2xx measurement engine runs through a series of
BLOCK_ERROR is not used except for indicating Out of Service (OOS).
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