When the Model 2xx transmitter is initially powered on, the measurement engine does not have enough valid meas- urement cycles to make a decision about the output level. For the first sixteen measurement cycles after power is applied, the QUALITY is “Uncertain,” the SUB_STATUS is “Initial value,” and the LIMIT attribute is “Constant.”
When the Model 2xx is operating correctly, the QUALITY is shown as “GOOD,” and the SUB_STATUS is “Non- Specific.”
While changing the transmitter operational parameters using the local display or through the system configuration tool (with the MODE_BLK in OOS), the output might be inaccurate because of the changing parameters. When the device is in a mode where operational parameters can be changed, the TRANSDUCER BLOCK will still output level but the QUALITY will be shown as “Bad” and the SUB_STATUS is “Out of Service.”
When the Enhanced Jupiter measurement cycle fails to find a valid output level, the transmitter maintains the last good value as the output and flags the failure. The LIMIT attrib- ute is the same as the last good measurement. Excessive dis- rupted cycles causes the transmitter to go into a defined operational mode based on the cause of the disrupted cycles.
4.1Simulation Feature
The Jupiter Model 2xx with FOUNDATION fieldbus™ sup- ports the Simulate feature in the Analog Input block. The Simulate feature is typically used to exercise the operation of an AI block by simulating a TRANSDUCER block input.
This feature can not be activated without the placement of a hardware jumper. This jumper is installed as standard on the Jupiter Model 2xx, and is placed in an inconvenient location to avoid inadvertent disabling of this feature.
NOTE: A BLOCK_ERR of “Simulation Active” in the Resource Block does not mean simulation is
Contact the factory for instructions on how to remove this jumper and permanently disable the Simulate feature.
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