Details regarding cable specifications, grounding, termination, and other network information can be found in IEC 61158 or the wiring installation application guide
The benefits of FOUNDATION fieldbus™ can be found throughout all phases of an installation:
1.Design/Installation: Connecting multiple devices to a single pair of wires means less wire and fewer I/O equipment. Initial Engineering costs are also reduced because the Fieldbus Foundation requires interoperability, defined as “the ability to operate multiple devices in the same system, regardless of manufacturer, without a loss of functionality.”
All FOUNDATION fieldbus™ devices must be tested for interoperability by the Fieldbus Foundation. Orion Instruments Jupiter device registration can be found at www.fieldbus.org. Choose Magnetrol as the device manu- facturer when searching for the registration.
2.Operation: With control now taking place within the devices in the field, better loop performance and control are the result. A FOUNDATION fieldbus™ system allows for mul- tiple variables to be brought back from each device to the control room for additional trending and reporting.
3.Maintenance: The
1.3Device Configuration
Device Descriptions
The function of a FOUNDATION fieldbus™ device is deter- mined by the arrangement of a system of blocks defined by the Fieldbus Foundation. The types of blocks used in a typi- cal User Application are described as follows:
Resource Block describes the characteristics of the
FOUNDATION fieldbus™ device such as the device name, manufacturer, and serial number.
Function Blocks are built into the FOUNDATION fieldbus™ devices as needed to provide the desired control system behavior. The input and output parameters of function blocks can be linked over the Fieldbus. There can be numerous function blocks in a single User Application.
Transducer Blocks contain information such as calibration parameters and sensor type. They are used to connect the sensor to the input function blocks.
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