page you were originally trying to view, the
page may contain elements that are not
supported by the web browser. These
include Flash, Shockwave, VBScript,
WMLScript, and other plug-ins.
Some websites use a redirector to their
true home page. If the web browser on
your smartphone can’t follow the
redirector, try using a desktop browser to
see thelanding pag e of the redirector, and
then enter that address in the web browser
on your smartphone.
It takes a long time for a web page to load
If it is taking longer than usual to load web
pages, you may have traveled from a
BroadbandAccess (EVDO) service area to a
1xRTT service area. Although
NationalAccess (1xRTT) data service is
considered a high-speed data service, it
seems slow if you are used to EVDO
1Press Phone and look for either
the 1xRTT or EVDO icon in the
title bar of the Phone application’s Main
2If you see the EVDO icon, there may
be a problem with the website you are
trying to access. Try opening a different
web page to see if the problem
3If you see the 1xRTT icon, you may
be experiencing the difference in
performance between the two types of
data networks.
4To be sure there is not a problem with
your connection to the Verizon Wireless
network, press and hold Power/End
to turn off your phone. Then press
andhold the same button to turn it back
on again.
5Try opening the web page again to see
if it loads faster.
An image or map is too small on
The web browser has two modes:
Optimized and Wide Page. Optimized
Mode resizes all images and page
elements to fit into a single column on the
Your smartphone can open your email
application when you select an email address
on a web page. If nothing happens when you
select the link, make sure your email
application is already set up. Page 228 Monday, February 25, 2008 10:50 PM