List of short-cut keys
Move the cursor to the top | Home | Select all the data | Ctrl + A |
Move the cursor back by 10 | Left arrow | Delete the selected data | Delete |
Move the cursor back | Up arrow | Cut out the selected data | Ctrl + X |
Move the cursor ahead | Down arrow | Copy the selected data | Ctrl + C |
Move the cursor ahead by 10 | Right arrow | Paste the data | Ctrl + V |
Move the cursor to the bottom | End | Clear the selected data | Ctrl + R |
Jump to the data in DSK | 0 | Clear all data | Ctrl + T |
Jump to the data of the corresponding Mark setting | 1 to 9 | Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Open the properties of the selected data | Enter | Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Transfer the selected data | L |
Play back the selected data | Space |
Stop the data being played back | S |
Automatically play back the data | Shift + Space |