Introduction6Click [OK].
Wait until the next [OK] screen appears.
7Click [OK].
You cannot change the GPU that is used while operating graphics-related application progr ams.
Once the GPU is switched, switching to the other GP U is not possible for a certain period of time.
When a digital display (such as an HDMI display) is connect ed and the computer’s display is closed, you cannot
switch the GPU that is used.
When an external display is connected and the GPU is switched , the video output destination may unexpectedly be
You can select the Classic view of Control Panel or the Classic Start menu. You can also change the way a user logs on or off.
This manual explains using the Windows XP default setting ( not Classic view or Classic Start menu etc.).
If the message “Your computer might be at risk” is displayed
Select (red icon) on the notification area and make the appropriate settings. The Windows Security Center regularly gives
you notice so that you can make the optimum settings. This is not an error message and you can use the computer.
However, making appropriate measures is recommended to reduce the risk of vir us and other attacks.
Regarding Windows XP