Check the Computer’s Usage Status
You can use the PC Information Viewer to check the computer’s usage status, and use this information when calling your technical support office for advice. (If you have not logged on to Windows with the administrator authority, some information will be dis- played as [Not Found].)
Running PC Information Viewer
AClick [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [PC Information Viewer] - [PC Information Viewer].
Click on the items to display detailed information for each item.
zThe [PC Information Viewer] screen is always displayed on the top of every other screen.
Save information to a file
Displayed information can be saved save to a text file (.txt).
ARun the PC Information Viewer and display the information you wish to save.
BClick [Save].
z To save the item that is displayed.
Click [Save only the information displayed] and click [OK].
Some of the hidden information on the screen, which cannot be shown without scrolling the screen, will be saved, too.
z To save all items.
Click [Save all the information] and click [OK].
CSelect the folder, input the file name, then click [Save].
Save a copy of the screen to a file
You can save a copy of the screen currently being displayed to a file in bitmap format (.bmp).
ADisplay the screen you want to save.
BPress the Ctrl+Alt+F8 key.
CWhen a message “The copy of the screen was saved...” is displayed, click [OK].
[pcinfo.bmp] file will be saved in [My Documents] folder. If [pcinfo.bmp] file already exists, it will be overwritten. (If [pcinfo.bmp] file is set as a
zTo display the extension of the file, click [Tools] - [Folder Options] - [View] from Explorer, and remove the check mark for [Hide extensions for known file types] under the [Advanced settings] section.
zYou can also save a copy of the screen to a file using the following procedure: Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [PC Information Viewer] - [Screen Copy].
zAt the time of purchase, the computer is set so that a copy of the screen can be saved to a file by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+F8 key. This setting can be changed using the following procedure:
AClick [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [PC Information Viewer].
CMove the cursor to [Shortcut key], press the key to be used for the short- cut, and then click [OK].
zColors are saved in 256 colors.
zWhen using an Extended Desktop:
A copy of the screen displayed on the primary device will be saved.