46 CQ-VA707N
Track Scan (Only for remote control)
Play the first 10 seconds of each track on the disc in sequential order,
starting from the track following the one you are currently listening to.
¡Press [5](SCAN). The first 10 seconds of each track on the discs
play in sequence.
After all tracks are scanned, resume normal play from the start of
the original track.
¡Press [5](SCAN) again to cancel.
Disc Scan (Only for remote control)
Play the first 10 seconds of the first track on all discs in the changer in
sequential order, starting from the disc following the one you are cur-
rently listening to.
¡Press and hold [5](SCAN) for more than 2 seconds. The 1st track of
all the discs in the magazine is played for 10 seconds each.
When all discs are scanned, resume normal play from the start of
the original disc.
¡Press and hold [5](SCAN) for more than 2 seconds again to cancel.
Track Repeat (Only for remote control)
Repeat playing the currently selected track.
¡Press [6](REPEAT) to repeat the current selection.
¡Press [6](REPEAT) again to cancel.
Disc Repeat (Only for remote control)
Repeat playing the currently selected disc.
¡Press and hold [6](REPEAT) for more than 2 seconds to repeat the
current disc selection.
¡Press and hold [6](REPEAT) for more than 2 seconds again to can-
CD Changer Basics (Continued)