Error messages
Display message Cause/solution
Base no power
No link. Re-connect
base AC adaptor.
RThe handset has lost communication with the base unit. Move
closer to the base unit and try again.
RUnplug the base unit’s AC adaptor to reset the unit. Reconnect
the adaptor and try again.
RThe handset’s registration may have been canceled. Re-register
the handset (page 27).
Busy RThe called unit is in use.
ROther units are in use and the system is busy. Try again later.
RThe handset you are using is too far from the base unit. Move
closer and try again.
Call phone company for
your access #
RYou have not stored the voice mail access number. Store the
number (page 36).
Check tel line RThe supplied telephone line cord has not been connected yet or
not connected properly. Check the connections (page 8).
Error!! RRecording was too short. Try again.
Invalid RThere is no handset registered to the base unit matching the
handset number you entered.
RThe handset is not registered to the base unit. Register the
handset (page 27).
Requires subscription
to Caller ID.
RYou must subscribe to a Caller ID service. Once you receive
caller information after subscribing to a Caller ID service, this
message will not be displayed.
Use rechargeable
RA wrong type of battery such as Alkaline or Manganese was
inserted. Use only the rechargeable Ni-MH batteries noted on
page 4, 5.
If you still have difficulties after following the instructions in this section, disconnect the base unit’s AC
adaptor, then reconnect the base unit’s AC adaptor. Remove the batteries from the handset, and then
insert the batteries into the handset again.
General use
Problem Cause/solution
The handset does not turn on even
after installing charged batteries.
RPlace the handset on the charger to turn on the handset.
The unit does not work. RMake sure the batteries are installed correctly (page 8).
RFully charge the batteries (page 8).
RCheck the connections (page 8).
RUnplug the base unit’s AC adaptor to reset the unit.
Reconnect the adaptor and try again.
RThe handset has not been registered to the base unit.
Register the handset (page 27).
For assistance, please visit 41
Useful Information
TG477x(en-en)_1130_ver021.pdf 41 2011/11/30 15:57:56