Call Logs
Dialled Calls
Select ‘Menu>3.Call logs>3.Dialled Calls’.
Displays the Dialled calls list accompanied by the time and date of a dialled call as well as the number or name of the receiver. Press the [Up/Down] key for selection.
Press the [Option] Soft key to;
•Details: Displays the detail view of call record.
•Send Message: Sends a message to the dialled call record.
•Delete: Deletes the dialled call record being indicated by the list
•Delete All: Deletes all the dialled call record from the list.
When the call is not found in Contact, the [Save Number] option will be created.
Delete Call Logs
Select ‘Menu>3.Call logs>4.Delete call Logs’.
It deletes the missed, received, or dialled calls or All Calls records with All.
Press the [YES] soft key or [NO] soft key to execute or cancel this function.
Call Logs
Call Timer
Select ‘Menu>3.Call logs>5.Call Timer’.
Notifies the information on call time.
•Last Call Time: Date and Time.
•Received, Dialled, All Call Time: Call Time only.
•Reset Call Times: Initializes call timer. Press the [Reset] Soft key and input the phone password. And then press the [Confirm] Soft key one more time.
Call Cost
Select ‘Menu>3.Call logs>6.Call Cost’.
Records the information on call cost, and limits the call charge to prevent overcharge.
•Last Call Cost: Displays the cost of the last call.
•All Call Cost: Displays the cost of all calls.
•Clear Logs: Inputs PIN2 to delete all the logs of call cost.
•Max Cost: Reads or sets up the maximum value of
the call cost unit in the service area. This function has the following sub options.
1.Read Limit: Reads the maximum unit value.
2.Set Limit: Sets up the maximum units.
•Cost Unit: Reads or sets up the unit defined in a
service area.
This function has the following sub options.
1.Read Unit: Reads the cost unit.
2.Set Unit: Sets up the current cost unit and the cost per unit.
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