Bit Number Status Information
9 Motor energised
10 Motor undefined, use MOTOR command
16 Duty cycle too high, excessive motor current (I2t)
23 Tracking limit is greater than max. allowed position error
24 Last SETUPFB command failed
25 In motion, 0 for positive motion, 1 for negative motion
26 Brake applied, goes to a 1 if the brake is engaged
User Faults
Bit Number UF Information
1 Value is out of range
2 Incorrect command syntax, command has
wrong format
8 Drive de-energised
16 Transmit buffer overflow*
19 Drive not ready
22 Save/restore error
23 Command not supported by this product
26 Cannot execute motion as the brake is
27 to 32 Reserved
*sends an ASCII bell character to indicate a buffer overflow condition.