40 VIX AE SERVO DRIVE USER GUIDEInter-drive RS232 Connections
Use the RJ45 connectors X6 and X7 to inter-connect drives, see RS232 Daisy Chain later in
this section.
RS232 Connecting Leads
RS232 cables can be ordered from Parker. Various lengths are available as listed in
Table 3-11.
Part Number Length
RS232-EASI-0250 2. 5m
RS232-EASI-0500 5.0m
RS232-EASI-0750 7.5m
RS232-EASI-1000 10.0m
RS232-EASI-1250 12.5m
RS232-EASI-1500 15.0m
Table 3-11. RS232 Connection Lead Types