P r i n t i n g
When and how you print depends on your printer’s configuration. It may print
♦after you press a certain key.
♦automatically as soon as you press a key.
♦automatically with no input from you.
♦one or many labels at once.
P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t
If the printer stays on, but you do not use it for a while, it goes into sleep mode to conserve power. A coffee cup appears on the display in sleep mode. The printer wakes up when you start using it again.
If it stays in sleep mode for a certain period of time (your System Administrator sets amount), it will turn itself completely off.
A t t a c h i n g t h e S a f e t y S t r a p
1. Turn the printer upside down, resting its top on the table.
2. Take the thin end of the safety strap, and push it through the loop at the bottom of the printer handle (near the battery compartment).
3. Push the thick end of the safety strap through the thin end’s loop.