13Additional information
Troubleshooting 2
USB interface
Symptoms | Causes | Remedies |
Symptom | Causes | Remedy |
AVNavigator cannot be | An error message may appear | |
installed. | if there are not enough system | (AVNavigator_e_ver_*_*.exe) with no other |
| resources available. | applications active. |
| Installation of AVNavigator | Try the following, in the order indicated. |
| may fail because of incompat- | 1. If there are any other applications active, |
| ibilities with other applica- | exit the other applications and try starting the |
| tions. | installer (AVNavigator_e_ver_*_*.exe) again. |
| 2. If that does not work, try restarting your PC, |
| and starting the installer (AVNavigator_e_ |
The folders/files stored on a USB memory device are not displayed.
The folders/files are currently | Store the folders/files in the FAT region. |
stored in a region other than the |
FAT (File Allocation Table) region. |
The number of levels in a folder is | Limit the maximum number of levels in a |
more than 8. | folder to 8 (page 29). |
There are more than 30 000 fold- | Limit the maximum number of folders/files |
ers/files stored in a USB memory | stored in a USB memory device to 30 000 |
device. | (page 29). |
The audio files are copyrighted. | Copyrighted audio files stored on a USB |
| memory device cannot be played back |
| (page 29). |
| ver_*_*.exe) with no other applications active. |
Software updating does not | There may be a problem with | Contact your contracted provider. |
operate well. | your Internet Service Pro- |
| vider’s network. |
AVNavigator does not inter- | The receiver’s power is not | Turn the receiver’s power on. (Wait about 60 |
act well with the receiver. | turned on. | seconds after the power turns on for network |
| functions to start.) |
| The receiver or computer is | Connect a LAN cable to the receiver or com- |
| not connected to the LAN. | puter (page 20). |
| The router’s power is off. | Turn the router’s power on. |
| AVNavigator’s network set- | If your router does not support DHCP, the |
| tings are not correct. | receiver’s IP address must be set in AVNaviga- |
| tor. First set the IP address on the receiver, |
| then set the same address in AVNavigator |
| (page 66). |
| Network connections could be | Check the computer’s network settings, security |
| restricted due to the computer’s | settings, etc. |
| network settings, security set- |
| tings, etc. |
When the Wiring Navi, | This is because of the brows- | This is not a problem. Perform the operation to |
Interactive Manual, Glossary | er’s security function. | authorize the blocked contents. |
or Software Update is |
launched, a warning about |
security protection appears |
on the browser. |
A USB memory device is not | The USB memory device does not | Try using a USB memory device compatible |
recognized. | support the mass storage class | with the mass storage class specifications. |
| specifications. | Note that there are cases where even the |
| audio files stored on a USB memory device |
| compatible with the mass storage class |
| specifications are not played back on this |
| receiver (page 29). |
| Connect the USB memory device and |
| switch on this receiver (page 21). |
| A USB hub is currently being | This receiver does not support USB hubs |
| used. | (page 29). |
| This receiver recognizes the USB | Switch off and on again this receiver. |
| memory device as a fraud. |
A USB memory device is | Some formats of USB memory | Check whether the format of your USB |
connected and displayed, but | devices, including FAT 12, NTFS, | memory device is either FAT 16 or FAT 32. |
the audio files stored on the | and HFS, cannot be played back | Note that the FAT 12, NTFS, and HFS for- |
USB memory device cannot | on this receiver. | mats cannot be played back on this receiver |
be played back. |
| (page 29). |
| The file format cannot be properly | See the list of file formats that can be |
| played back on this receiver. | played back on this receiver (page 30). |
Cannot detect USB keyboard. | The USB keyboard is routed | This receiver is not compatible with USB |
| through a USB hub. | hubs. Plug the keyboard directly into the |
| receiver. |
| A PS2 keyboard is routed through | PS2 keyboards cannot be used with this |
| a PS2/USB connector. | receiver, even if routed through a PS2/USB |
| connector. Use a USB keyboard. |
| Keyboard is not a USB HID Class | Some devices will not be detected. Use a |
| device. | USB HID Class keyboard. |
Cannot enter correct text | Keyboard is not | Use a |
using the USB keyboard. | layout keyboard. | Some characters cannot be entered. |