Exerciseequipment with electronic components may cause interfering stray signals. To tackle these problems, try the
1. Removethe transmitter from your chest and use the exercise equipment as you would normally.
2. Movethe wrist unit around until you find an area in which it displays no stray reading or does not flash the heart symbol.
Interferenceis often worst right in front of the display panel of the equipment, while the left or right side of the display is
relativelyfree of disturbance.
3. Putthe transmitter back on your chest and keep the wrist unit in this interference-free area as much as possible.
Ifthe RS300X still does not work, the piece of equipment may be electrically too noisy for wireless heart rate
PolarRS300X may be worn when swimming. To maintain water resistance, do not press buttons under water. For more
information,visit http://support.polar.fi. Water resistance of Polar products is tested according to International Standard
ISO2281. Products are divided into three categories according to their water resistance. Check the back of your Polar
productfor the water resistance category, and compare it to the chart below. Please note that these definitions do not
necessarilyapply to products of other manufacturers.
Markingon the case back Waterresistant characteristics
Waterresistant Protectedagainst wash splashes, sweat, raindrops etc. Not
suitablefor swimming.
Waterresistant 30 m/50 m Suitablefor bathing and swimming.
Waterresistant 100 m Suitablefor swimming and snorkeling (without air tanks).
CustomerService Information 41