Toactivate your Polar RS300X, press any button
forone second. Once RS300X is activated, it
cannotbe switched off.
1. Pressthe RED button to access the Language
menu.Select English,Deutsch,Español or
Françaiswith UP/DOWN and confirm with the
2. Startwith basic settings is displayed.
3. Pressthe RED button and continue with basic
4. SelectTime format.
5. EnterTime (hours and minutes).
6. EnterDate.
7. SelectUnits. Select metric (kilograms,
centimeters,KCAL) or imperial (pounds, feet,
CAL).Calories are always measured as
8. EnterWeight.
9. EnterHeight.
10. Enter Date of birth.
11. Select Sex.
12. SettingsOK? is displayed.
SelectYes to accept and save settings.
RS300Xenters Time view.
SelectNo to change settings. Press BACK until
youreturn to the setting you want to change.
Tomodify your personal settings later, see User