PerformPolar Fitness Test
1. Wearthe transmitter, lie down and relax for 1-3
2. InTime view, select UP/DOWN >Test >Start.
Thefitness test begins as soon as the RS300X
locatesyour heart rate. So, make sure you are
relaxedand ready to take the test when you
3. Approximately5 minutes later, a beep will
indicatethe end of the test, and the test result
isdisplayed. Press the RED button.
4. Updateto VO2max?is displayed.
5. SelectYes to update your user settings and
OwnIndexwith the new result. Select No only if
youknow your VO2max value, and if it differs
morethan one fitness level (see the table on
thenext page) from the OwnIndex result. Your
OwnIndexvalue will only be saved in the
•Setyour personal activity level is displayed
>Set your activity level. See User Settings for
•FitnessTest Failed is displayed or no heart rate
isshown. Check that the transmitter electrodes
aremoist enough and the elastic strap is snug
enougharound your chest. If the fitness test
fails,your previous OwnIndex value will not be
• Noheart rate shown > Test fails. Check that the
transmitterelectrodes are moist enough and that
thestrap is snug enough around your chest.
BeforeTraining 9