LimitedPolar International Guarantee
Thislimited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar Electro Inc.
forthe consumers who have purchased this product in the USA or
Canada.This limited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar
ElectroOy for the consumers who have purchased this product in other
PolarElectro Inc. / Polar Electro Oy guarantees to the original consumer/
purchaserof this product that the product will be free from defects in
materialor workmanship for two years from the date of purchase.
Pleasekeep the receipt or stamped Polar Customer
ServiceCard as a proof of purchase!
Theguarantee does not cover the battery, damage due to misuse, abuse,
accidentsor non-compliance with the precautions; improper
maintenance,commercial use, cracked or broken cases.
Theguarantee does not cover any damage/s, losses, costs or expenses,
direct,indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or
relatedto the product. During the guarantee period the product will be
eitherrepaired or replaced at an authorized service center free of
Thisguarantee does not affect the consumer’s statutory rights under
applicablenational or state laws in force, or the consumer’s rights
againstthe dealer arising from their sales/ purchase contract.
©2008 Polar Electro Oy, FIN-90440 KEMPELE, Finland.
PolarElectro Oy is a ISO 9001:2000 certified company. All rights
reserved.No part of this manual may be used or reproduced in any form
orby any means without prior written permission of Polar Electro Oy. The
namesand logos marked with a ™ symbol in this user manual or in the
packageof this product are trademarks of Polar Electro Oy. The names
andlogos marked with a ® symbol in this user manual or in the
packageof this product are registered trademarks of Polar Electro Oy,
exceptthat Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
44Customer Service Information