Basic Operations


Using the Channel Buttons (CH+ or CH-)

PresstheCH+orCH- to changechannels.

Whenyou pressthe CH+or CH-,theunit changeschannelsinsequence.Youwill seeallthe channelsthatthe unithasmemorized. Youwill notseechannelsthatwere erased.

Direct AccessingChannels

Pressthenumber buttons to godirectlytoachannel.

To select a one-digit channel: press the 0-9 number buttons, followed by ENTER button or wait for some seconds, and the unit automaticallygoesto theselectedchannel.

To select a two-digitchannel:in TV mode,pressthe 0-9 number buttons to directly go to the selected channel;while in Cable mode, pressthe0-9number buttons, followedby ENTERbuttonorwaitforafew seconds, andtheunitgoes totheselectedchannel. Toselectathree-digitchannel: pressthe0-9number buttons to inputthe channelnumber,then theunitgoes totheselectedchannel.


Whenyou usethenumberbuttons,you candirectlyselectchannels that wereerased.

Using the LAST button

Pressthis buttonto switchbetweenthe currentchannel andthe lastviewedchannel.

Adjustingthe Volume

Using the volume buttons (VOL+and VOL-)

Pressthe VOL+orVOL- to increaseordecreasethevolume.

Usingthe Mute

Using the MUTE button

Atanytime, you cantemporarilycutoff thesoundusingthe MUTE button.



Pressthe MUTEbuttonandthesoundcutsoff.

Toturn muteoff, pressthe MUTEbuttonagain.


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Image 23
Polaroid FLM-3201 manual ChangingChannels, Adjustingthe Volume, Usingthe Mute