TVPC Operations
Viewingthe TVPC
The TVPC function is available only when the main frame is in VGA/DVl mode and the aspect ratio is in 16:9and the verticalfrequency is 60Hz.
1 Press MENUtodisplaythemenumainpage.
2 | Press A or,,, repeatedlyto select TVPC item. |
3 | PressOK to accessthe submenu. |
| The TVPC On/Off itemwill be highlightedautomatically. |
4 | PressOK to select On or Off. |
| Note: |
| Youmay quicklyopenor close TVPC framebyusingthe TV/PCbutton directly | MainFrame |
| Audio is fromthemainpicture only |
Selectingthe Signal Sourcefor the TVPC Frame
1 Press MENUto displaythe menumainpage.
2 Press A or,,, repeatedlyto select TVPC item.
3 PressOK to accessthe submenu.
4 Press A or,,, repeatedlyto select Source item.
5PressOK repeatedlyto select signal sourcefor the TVPC frame. YoumayselectRF,Video1, Video2, SVideoorYPbPr fortheTVPCFrame.
Youmay quicklyselectsignalsource forthe TVPCframeby usingthePIPINPUTbutton.
ChangingChannelsfor the TVPC Frame
WhentheTVPCframeis inTVmode,pressthe CH+or CH- buttonto changechannels.
Whenyou pressthe