Adjusting Child LockSettings(coot ooe¢
Adjusting Canadian English Rating
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2 PressOKrepeatedlytoselecta desiredratingyouwantto block.
3 Pressthe MENU buttontoexit.
EExempt- Exemptprogrammingincludes:news,sports,documentariesandotherinformationprogramming,talkshows, musicvideos,andvarietyprogramming.
C Programmingintendedfor childrenunderage8. Nooffensivelanguage,nudityor sexualcontent.
C8+ Programminggenerallyconsideredacceptablefor children8 yearsandover. Noprofanity,nudityorsexualcontent.
G Generalprogramming,suitablefor allaudiences.
PG ParentalGuidancesuggested.Somematerialmaynotbe suitablefor children.
14+ Programmingcontainsthemesor contentwhichmaynot besuitablefor viewersunderthe ageof 14. Parentsare stronglycautionedto exercisediscretionin permittingviewingby
18+ Intendedfor viewers18yearsandolderandmightcontaindepictionsof violence.
Adjusting CanadianFrench Rating
1 FromtheChild Lock menupage,press
2 PressOKrepeatedlytoselecta desiredratingyouwantto block.
3 Pressthe MENU buttontoexit.
E | Exempt - Exempt programming. | |
G | General - Programmingintendedfor audienceof all ages. Containsno violence,or the violencecontent is minimal | |
or is depictedappropriately. | ||
| ||
8ANS+ | 8+ General - Not recommendedfor young children. Programmingintendedfor a broadaudience but contains light | |
or occasionalviolence.Adult supervisionrecommended. | ||
| ||
13ANS+ | Programmingmay not be suitablefor childrenunder the age of 13 - Containseither a few violentscenes or oneor | |
| more sufficientlyviolent scenesto affectthem.Adult supervisionstronglysuggested. | |
16ANS+ | Programmingmay not be suitablefor childrenunder the age of 16 - Containsfrequentscenesof violenceor | |
| intenseviolence. | |
18ANS+ | Only for adult viewing.Couldcontainfrequentviolentscenes andextreme violence. |