Care and Maintenance
LCD Displaypanel information
Important Information Regarding Use of Video Games, Computers, Captions or Other Fixed Image Displays.
The extended use of fixed image program material cancause a permanent"shadow image" on the LCD panel.
This background image is viewable on normal programs in the form of a stationary fixed image. This type of irreversible LCD panel deterioration can be limitedby observing the followingsteps:
A.Reducethe brightness/contrast setting to aminimum viewing level.
B.Do notdisplay the fixed imagefor extended periods of time.
C.Turnthe power offwhen not inactual use.
Themarking or retainedimage on the LCD panel resulting from fixed image use is not an operatingdefect and as such is not coveredby Warranty.Thisproduct is not designedto display fixed image patterns for extendedperiods of time.
Cleaning and Maintenance
To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
Ifthe surfacesare extremelydirty, use asoft cloth dipped inasoap andwater solutionor aweak detergent solution.
•Useeyeglass cleanerto removestubborn dirtfrom the LCD.
•Neveruse alcohol, paint thinner or benzine to clean this unit.
•Before using achemically treated cloth, readthe instructionsthat camewith the cloth carefully.