Polycom RS-232 manual Bldata -- Request Level Information, Meaning

Models: RS-232

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Query enabled status of automatic

S01BLAUTOx , where x is 0 or 1

depending on the current setting of

S01BLAUTO? BLDATA messages.



8.32. BLDATA -- Request Level Information

This command is used to request "blinking light" data from the EF2211. Blinking light data consists of signal levels for the 5 inputs (1, A, B, T), 4 outputs (1, A, B, T, L), and AEC reference (R1) as well as the room gain level for input 1, AGC gain level for input 1, and AEC state information for input 1.

The blinking light data can be received in two ways. The first way is by polling the Vortex by sending a BLDATA? command. The second way is to have the Vortex automatically send BLDATA responses via the BLAUTO command.

The most general format of the BLDATA responses generated by the Vortex is as follows.


Each of the i, o, r, g, a and s characters above represents a single byte of data as shown in the table below.




input levels 1, A, B, T


output levels 1, A, B, T, L


AEC reference level R1


room gain 1


AGC gain 1


AEC state 1

Each of the i bytes correspond to signal levels on the 4 inputs in the following order (from left to right): 1, A, B, T. The o bytes correspond to signal levels on the 5 outputs in the following order (from left to right): 1, A, B, T, L. The r byte indicates the signal level for AEC reference R1. The the g byte indicates the room gain for input 1. The a byte indicates the AGC gain on input 1. The s byte indicates the AEC state for input 1.

The formats of the i, o, r, g, and a bytes are the same as for the binary gain commands (binary values offset by 132). See Section 6.3 and Section 6.4 for more information on the binary format.

The range for the i and o bytes is -100 dB to +20 dB, which corresponds to byte values of 32 to 152. For reference, the LEDs on the front panel signal meter correspond to teh following dB levels (left to right): -20, -12, -7, -3, 0, 3, 9, 20.

The format of the s bytes are also the same as the binary gain commands. The bytes are integers (offset by 132) that represent the current AEC state. The following table shows how the byte values

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Polycom RS-232 manual Bldata -- Request Level Information, Meaning