Polycom RS-232 manual Macrow -- Write Macro to Non-Volatile Memory, Macrox -- Execute Macro

Models: RS-232

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This command is used to start writing a new macro with a specified macro number. This command is used in conjunction with the MACROA and MACROW commands to create a new macro. If this

command is sent while another macro is in the process of being written (before the MACROW command is sent), then the macro in progress will be deleted and the new one will be started.

See the description of the MACROA command for detailed information on creating macros.

8.97. MACROW -- Write Macro to Non-Volatile Memory

This command writes the macro that is currently being defined to non-volatile memory. This command is used in conjunction with MACROA and MACROS to create a new macro. If this command is sent

when no macro is in progress (i.e., if a MACROS command has not been sent) or if the macro number

sent with this command does not match the number of the macro in progress, then an error will be returned.

See the description of the MACROA command for detailed information on creating macros.

This command is saved to global non-volatile memory and is not part of a preset. Its value is saved each time it is changed. It will retain its value after power-down. Since this command writes to non- volatile memory, there will be a delay before an acknowledgment is returned.

8.98. MACROX -- Execute Macro

This command executes the macro corresponding to the specified number. The macro must have been previously defined and stored in non-volatile memory via the MACROS, MACROA, and MACROW

commands. If the specified macro is empty, then an error condition of ERROR#070 will be generated.

When the MACROX executes, status messages for all of the commands in the macro will be generated (unless acknowledgement mode is turned off). The status messages can be suppressed by using the MACROQ command, which is exactly the same as MACROX except that status messages are suppressed.



Status Message

Status messages for all the commands in the macro

S01MACROX125 Execute macro number 125. will be generated first, followed by the message:


8.99.METER -- Select which Signal is Displayed on the Front Panel LED Meter

This command selects which signal is displayed on the front panel LED meter. The options correspond to any of the 3 inputs, the telephone input, 3 outputs, the telephone output, or the AEC reference. The inputs are specified by the labels I1, IA, IB, and IT (for the telephone input). The outputs are specified by the labels O1, OA, OB, and OT (telephone). The AEC reference is specified by the label R1.

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Polycom RS-232 manual Macrow -- Write Macro to Non-Volatile Memory, Macrox -- Execute Macro